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Planning Board Minutes 07/28/2014
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
July 28, 2014

Members present:  RMarshall, JFletcher, PRenaud, KO’Connell, MCharig-Bliss, SChicoine

7:00 p.m. Minutes
PRenaud began reading the July 14, 2014 meeting minutes.  Several spelling, punctuation and a few replacements of words were done.  No substantive changes were made.  PRenaud noted that Minutes from the site walk of the Allrose Farm were not included.  RMarshall said that he would add them to the minutes and make sure they are posted on the website.  PRenaud motioned to accept the minutes as amended.   JFletcher seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

7:17 p.m. Mail Received
·       Memo from SWRPC about Transportation Alternative Programs advising of grant money available to towns for this purpose.

7:20 p.m. Master Planning-Community Facilities Report
Introduction:  Proposed for 2014
RMarshall asked if what he wrote is adequate for the Master Plan.  He advised the second paragraph explains what is contained in this section.  

RMarshall commented that the role of the Planning Board is to identify what our facilities are to try to identify potential needs for the future.   KO’Connell agreed the master plan is what you are looking at, what you have, and what your potential will be in the future.   He feel that we are a future land use planner and the Master Plan is where we make more concrete statements and plans for the town.

PRenaud asked that the Board go through all the chapters and come up with obtainable objectives for the town in the future land use section.

Town Hall:    Proposed for 2014
·       PRenaud asked that the question of window replacement remains unresolved and be added to the last paragraph as the last sentence.  
·       MCharig-Bliss brought up the issue of the old town office building and CMRC’s lease agreement.  RMarshall will check with APatt about that.  He will get a statement from APatt about the old town office building will be included with this paragraph.  

Police Protection:  Proposed for 2014
The paragraph will be left as is.

JFletcher commented on the statement about replacement of vehicles using SUV’s.  It was noticed that the Chief of Police has changed his stand on using SUV’s and sees that the future of the police department will be using them.  JFletcher also asked if the SUV issues were listed in the CIP.  PRenaud said SUV’s weren’t specifically mentioned in the CIP.  

Library: Proposed for 2014
The paragraph will be left as is.  

Municipal Wastewater:  Proposed for 2014
·       Second paragraph:  Add to the last sentence…“also provides open space in the center of town with additional off street parking.”

Education:  Proposed for 2014
RMarshall commented that MSteere helped with this.  He said the statistics are accurate except for total expenditures:  Marian Alese, Conval Business Administrator provided total Conval expenditures of $41,709,072 for 2012-2013.  Lisa Murphy is currently working to get others from those school districts.
·       Paragraph two, the word newly to be removed from first sentence.  

Items to be further researched:
·       JFletcher will get information about the job of the new principal
·       RMarshall will check about the NHTI and ATC programs at Conval to see who participates.
·       RMarshall will check to see if Antioch New England had any Conval students in their programs.
·       It was suggested that the total expenditures be a separate table from the list of school districts..

Meetinghouse:  Proposed for 2014
·       Insert after sentence 2:  The clock was repaired in 2014.  
KO’Connell will check with APatt about the upgrade on the boiler at the meeting house.  

Highway Dept:   Proposed for 2014
·       Change title to Department of Public Works.  
·       Second paragraph:  Change the title Road Agent to DPW Supervisor and add a description of DPW Supervisor role in town. KO’Connell will get that from APatt.

PRenaud also suggested that we identify specific goals for the DPW when we get to Future Land Use section.     

KO’Connell will include a list of equipment upgrades in the last paragraph. He will also include increase in the number of employees and will identify the achievements of the DPW including the rebuilding the downstairs by the department and the sidewalk to the town offices.  He will check with the DPW supervisor and ask for a 10 year plan for that department including equipment.  One goal for the10 year plan will be a road maintenance plan.

Expenditures:  Proposed for 2014
·       In the first paragraph, sentence #4, add the word department between single and expenditure.  
·       A minor name change will be done from Highway Department to Department of Public Works.  A source notation will be added to the bottom of the chart.

Health & Human Services:    Proposed for 2014
·       A change to sentence #6, to read, “However, due to lack of available space, the shelter system could not be used this year.”  
·       Last sentence in the paragraph; add the word welfare in front of department.

The last paragraph was changed to read: Greenfield Commons, built and operated by  Southern New Hampshire Services, is a 24-unit elderly housing complex.

Solid Waste Disposal:  Proposed for 2014
·       First paragraph, next to last sentence after “capabilities”, insert “that need attention
·       Fourth paragraph:  …after sale of materials, add “go into the town’s general fund.  For 2013, Greenfield recovered $21,263.43 in recycling.”
·       In fifth paragraph:  removed last six words in the sentence and added facility.

JFletcher will contact CBurgess to get clarification about the size of propane tanks accepted..

Cemeteries:  Proposed for 2014
·       In paragraph one, add…”derive from sale of lots and Trust funds.”
·       Whittemore:  Remove last sentence in the paragraph.
·       Old Cemetery:  Add “circa 1794” to first line.  Remove last sentence.  This cemetery has the oldest stone of all the cemeteries.
·       Greenvale:  JFletcher to check on the actual size of the cemetery, 8 or 15 acres.
·       Shea:  remove 6’ x 6’.

RMarshall will make these changes and will send to LMurphy at SWRPC when our drafts are complete.

Chapters remaining:  Postal Service and Fire and Rescue.

9:50 p.m.  Adjournment
KO’Connell motioned to adjourn.  PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.